

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Arizona's SB 1070

Have you read the bill?  I'd love to get your thoughts.  As a pastor, I'm often asked what I think of it.  So here it is...

I've read the bill.  It's officially 10 pages long, so unlike the health care bill, it's quite readable.  And it comes down to this:  If one trusts law enforcement officers, this law is fine.  If one doesn't, you're gonna have a problem with it.  Why?  It has the words "reasonable suspicion" in the bill.  But it also mentions that an officer can only ask for proof of citizenship if they've stopped a person for breaking the law such as speeding.  "Reasonable suspicion" would come about if the person stopped couldn't present a valid driver's license, for example.  Which raises the question: does anyone have a problem when retailers, police officers, or websites ask you to identify yourself?  Nobody is up in arms about that.  And you don't get what you're hoping to buy if you don't present proper ID. 

Again, if you don't trust cops, you'll be against this bill.  If you believe cops can be trusted, you have no more problem with this bill than any other law that requires ID be given.

What bothers me is that those who oppose this law are calling those who favor it racist.  I've heard the phrase, "it's "clearly racist," regarding the verbiage of the bill.  Obama has said, "Now, a family can be going out for an ice cream and be thrown in jail!"  No, they can't.  Unless of course, they're here illegally.  And I have no problem with that.  How can legal citizens be affected by this bill?  They can't.  And that's where the line is drawn for me.

If a person is here illegally, the law declares (before this bill was ever written) that they, if found, must be escorted to the border and sent back to their home country.  This bill changes none of that, but rather enforces it. 

So there you have it.  I would love to discuss this respectfully with anyone.  Please respond below.


  1. I respectfully agree with everything in this post. :) Well said, Pastor Kyle.

  2. Thanks for putting this into simple language Kyle, I totally agree with you and my husband and kids are part Mexican, so I'm not racist or afraid. It's the ignorant that are blowing this out of proportion and of course that includes Mr. Obama.
